Politics & Politicians

Politics are some pretty serious business. These candidates campaign hard, work long hours, answer tons of questions, are in the spot light and get very little sleep. I am amazed at all the traveling, appearances, media, news and even the constant exposure of mistakes by the media thye endure. It's like they are loved, hated, respected, dis respected and all in between.

Bless them Lord, give them wisdom, refresh them, give them strength, and in the end Lord, you determine who shall be the next president of the country and let your plans and purposes unfold.

In His Glorious Name Ministries Online

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Where mercy triumphs over judgement and Christ is glorified.

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Heavens Mercy Is Love

There is a river that is coming. The river of the love of Christ. The fullness of the measure of the love of Christ, as heaven is going to invade earth over the body of Christ.

Paul spoke of this love, this endless river of the love of God. The depth, the width, the height, the length. It is deeper than any ocean, wider than any sea, and by far outstretches the universe. It is the love of God shed forth by the Holy Ghost.

Blessings beloved.
In His Glorious Name Ministries Online