Making The Most Of The Day & Days To Come

Friday is here, thank God. I love Fridays and so look forward to the weekends, as most people do. However, occasionally we all encounter down days and even down weekends. They just seem to come with life. Maybe your encountering a down day and not really looking forward to the weekend. If that's the case let me encourage you to rise above whatever is holding you down and back from enjoying your day and weekend.
One of the ways that we overcome depression, sadness, disappointment and what I call bad hair days is through prayer and worship. When we focus on God in prayer or worship, God responds. That's part of having a relationship with God and when God shows up, things change. So if your boats being tossed to and fro in the storms of life, invite Jesus into the boat and He will calm the storms.
Have a blessed day and weekend in Jesus.

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