Living A Happy Marriage In Christ

Author D.L. McCarragher discusses the ups and downs of being married to someone who doesn’t share your passion for Jesus. Living in peace with God and your spouse is essential to keeping your joy intact and your hope alive.

Visit Author D.L. McCarragher site Alabaster Box Publishing for further information and some great ministry.

Christian Author Book Promotions

Are you a author? Do you have a author's media site or blog? Maybe you just published your first book and are just creating your author media site to market your book. Here is a site that offers assistance to new authors and also offers extended marketing to authors looking to market thier author media site and new book release. They have a huge online network of Christian sites and have the ability to really get a authors media site and book seen by a large audience.
Visit Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing  and you can also catch them on Twitter at AuthorBookPromo

The Name It Blame It Game

It's everywhere. The name it blame it game. Rather than taking responsibility and being accountable, we as humans beings blame others. For example the reason why most people are upside down financially is because of this or that. It doesn't have to do with the fact that they over extended themselves, purchased a home they couldn't afford, ran credit cards up so high that they can't pay them off. It has nothing to do with the $40,000.00 car they drive, all the merchandise they have purchased or the fact that they have been living way way beyond their means. It's someone elses fault.
No it was lust, the lust of the eye's, greed and the love of money. We must all learn to live within our means and not fall prey to purchasing things that we can't afford. For the end result is bondage to high interest rates and debt.

Author, Get The Online Exposure That You Deserve

Interested in marketing you're author media site and new book release? If so, we can help. Once you've created you're author media site, the next step is to market it to potential readers and book buyers. After all, you have worked hard publishing you're book, now you have to market it and you can't depend upon all publishers to do this for you. You might be saying "I purchased the extended international marketing plan with my book publishing contract and will be listed on hundreds of online bookstores. Cool! There are millions upon millions of books listed on those sites. Blink!

Many times author's believe that once they create a author's media site thousands of people will immediately find it. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, as you're author's media site is in a vast ocean of millions upon millions of other sites. There it sits in that vast huge online ocean called the Internet. Of course you can sign 100's of guest books, join endless book communities, however thousands of other authors are all doing the same thing. The market is flooded with hungry author's doing that very same thing hourly.

We can help you get the exposure that you deserve, increase you're online presence and market you're author media blog / site and you're book on up to 100 premiere sites filled with great content that will help get you on the map. Just imagine the exposure, potential, and online presence that you will gain by networking and marketing you're author's media site and book on 100 premiere sites.

So if you're tired of signing guest books and spending endless hours joining other communities trying to market you're book and create a online presence so that potential buyers can find you're author media site, lets get the ball rolling and get you the online exposure you deserve. Simply visit Author Media Blogs & Book Marketing  or contact us at: and together, we can make things happen.